Hey there! Welcome to The Weight Loss Mindset Podcast, where we cut through the noise and bring you actionable insights for your health and happiness.
What if the problem isn’t your willpower, but your biology outsmarting your best intentions?
Every year, millions of people “start a diet,” hoping this one will finally stick. But here’s the catch: most of us are already on a diet — not the cabbage-soup kind, but the everyday choices that make up how, when, and why we eat. And yet, we still blame ourselves when our jeans get tighter or our meal plan falls apart by Thursday.
Could it be that the real issue isn’t personal failure… but an outdated understanding of what health actually looks like?
In this article, you will learn:
- Why dieting often fails (and it’s not your fault)
- What your brain and biology are secretly doing behind the scenes
- How kindness, not calorie-counting, leads to lasting wellness
Let’s start by busting one of the most toxic myths in wellness: that you’re not already on a diet.
You’re Already on a Diet — It’s Just Not the One You Think
Think “diet” means a color-coded meal plan, a celebrity-endorsed cleanse, or a painfully expensive app that tracks every bite you take?
Think again. You, me, your neighbor, your cat-obsessed coworker — we’re all on a diet already. Not a trendy one, but the kind made up of your daily eating habits: what you eat, how much you eat, when you eat, and — most crucially — why you eat.
Here’s the kicker: most people confuse “dieting” with “being on a diet.” But they’re not the same. One is a verb, loaded with restriction, anxiety, and the promise of temporary transformation. The other is a neutral descriptor of your current patterns, whether that’s green smoothies or late-night nachos.
So what’s the danger in conflating the two?
The moment we treat eating as a problem to fix, we set ourselves up for failure. Studies from the National Institutes of Health reveal that more than 80% of people who lose weight on diets regain it within five years.
Not because they’re lazy. Not because they “fell off the wagon.” But because their biology fought back — hard.
That’s the dirty little secret of the diet industry: if dieting actually worked long term, would it still be a $70 billion business?
What if you never needed to “start” a diet in the first place — just understand the one you’re already living?
Caveman Cravings vs. Instagram Bodies: A Biological Mismatch
Why is it so hard to choose salad over fries when you know the salad is “healthier”? Why does the pint of ice cream whisper your name when you’re stressed, bored, or just… breathing?
Because your body isn’t built for modern life — it’s built for survival.
Our ancestors weren’t scrolling through meal prep TikToks or choosing between oat milk and almond milk. They were foraging, hunting, and praying they’d find enough calories to make it through winter. High-fat, high-carb foods? Those were gold. Not indulgences — lifelines.
Your brain, still wired for scarcity, lights up at the sight of calorie-dense food. It sees pizza and thinks, “Jackpot! We might live another day.”
Here’s the twist: while our food supply evolved faster than you can say “drive-thru,” our biology hasn’t caught up. This is what evolutionary biologists call a mismatch — the human body reacting to a world it didn’t evolve for. That’s why we crave sugar, fat, and comfort food when we’re not even hungry.
It’s not a lack of discipline. It’s a survival instinct.
And the modern wellness world? It punishes us for those instincts. It tells us to ignore hunger, fear fat, and achieve an aesthetic that would’ve made zero sense in a hunter-gatherer society.
So ask yourself: Are you failing your diet… or is your diet failing evolution?
The Set Point Theory: Your Brain Has a Secret Weight Agenda
Ever feel like no matter how hard you work to lose weight, your body finds a way to boomerang back to the same number on the scale? Welcome to the most underappreciated saboteur in the diet world: your set point.
The set point theory proposes that your brain has a built-in weight range it quietly defends, like a thermostat trying to keep your body “just right.” Drop below it too quickly, and your metabolism slows down. Hunger hormones like ghrelin spike. Your cravings go haywire. Suddenly, that bagel looks like salvation. Sound familiar?
This isn’t a lack of character — it’s your brain throwing a full-scale biochemical tantrum to bring you back to baseline.
Neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt, author of Why Diets Make Us Fat, explains it like this: “Trying to lose weight by dieting is like holding your breath to lose oxygen. You can only do it for so long.” Your brain is hardwired to defend its preferred weight, even if it doesn’t align with a magazine cover or your doctor’s chart.
Here’s the punchline: research suggests the body’s weight regulation system can resist both weight gain and weight loss — but it fights much harder against loss. That’s evolutionary biology at work. Your brain doesn’t care about your reunion photos or your summer wardrobe. It cares about survival.
So, what if your “stubborn” body isn’t the enemy — but a loyal bodyguard, trying to keep you alive?
Why Shame Is a Terrible Weight Loss Strategy
Let’s get one thing straight: you cannot bully yourself into being healthier.
Shame is often the uninvited guest at every dieting table. Didn’t stick to your meal plan? Shame. Gained back the weight you lost? More shame. Caved and ate the cupcake at your kid’s birthday party? A triple helping of shame, with guilt on the side. But here’s the truth: shame doesn’t inspire change — it corrodes it.
Psychologists have been sounding the alarm for years.
Dr. Kristin Neff, a pioneer in self-compassion research, has shown that beating yourself up actually reduces your motivation to make healthy choices. Why? Because shame triggers the same stress response as physical danger.
It sends your cortisol soaring, disrupts your sleep, and — irony of ironies — often increases the very cravings you’re trying to suppress.
And let’s be honest — ever made a great decision while spiraling in self-loathing? Exactly.
Worse yet, chronic shame doesn’t just harm your emotional well-being. It can actually rewire your brain. Neuroscience shows that negative self-talk strengthens neural pathways of fear and anxiety, making it even harder to break free from self-destructive patterns. It’s not just demoralizing — it’s physiological sabotage.
So here’s the million-dollar question: If hating your body worked, wouldn’t it have worked by now?
Redefining Health: From Lean Bodies to Full Lives
When did “health” become a synonym for “thin”? And more importantly — who does that definition actually serve?
Here’s a radical idea: health isn’t a look. It’s a lifestyle.
And no, not in the influencer-with-a-ring-light kind of way. Real health has less to do with visible abs and more to do with invisible habits — like how well you sleep, how connected you feel to your community, how often you move in ways that light you up instead of burn you out.
In fact, multiple studies — including those published in the Journal of the American Medical Association — show that people classified as “overweight” by BMI standards can be metabolically healthy if they engage in regular physical activity and eat a balanced diet.
Meanwhile, thin individuals who are sedentary and stressed may carry higher long-term health risks. Shocker: size ≠ health.
So why are we still measuring wellness with a bathroom scale?
Here’s a better litmus test: Do you have energy throughout the day? Can you enjoy a meal without mental gymnastics? Do you feel safe in your body, not at war with it?
And let’s not forget joy. Joy is a health metric. Dancing in your kitchen, laughing with a friend, saying yes to dessert without spiraling — these are the signals of a full life, not fitness failures.
Health isn’t a goal weight. It’s a way of relating to yourself that supports vitality — mentally, physically, and emotionally.
So, What Should You Actually Do Instead?
If dieting doesn’t work, and shame makes things worse, then what does work?
Here’s a revolutionary idea: stop trying to micromanage your body into submission — and start partnering with it instead. Because lasting change doesn’t come from white-knuckling your way through restriction. It comes from curiosity, consistency, and a hell of a lot more kindness.
Start with this: listen to your body like it’s speaking a foreign language you’re finally ready to learn. Hunger isn’t a flaw. Fullness isn’t a failure. They’re signals — and when you stop silencing them, you get a much clearer read on what your body actually needs.
Then, shift the goalpost. Instead of obsessing over weight loss, ask: What habits make me feel energized? What meals leave me satisfied, not stuffed? What movement feels fun, not punishing?
Consider adding what researchers call “gentle nutrition.” That means choosing foods that fuel your body — not because you’re scared of what will happen if you don’t, but because they make you feel good. Imagine making choices out of self-respect instead of self-hatred.
And finally: connect. Loneliness and isolation are just as harmful to your health as smoking. Build a support system. Have more conversations. Join a walking group. Laugh. Be around people who make you feel more like yourself, not less.
Because the secret isn’t a miracle diet. It’s not in a supplement, a meal plan, or a social media detox. The secret is in treating yourself like someone you love.
What would change if your wellness journey started with respect — instead of regret?
Where do you go from here?
So let’s rewind what we’ve learned.
First, dieting doesn’t fail because you’re weak — it fails because it pits you against your biology.
Second, your brain has a built-in weight regulation system that’s doing exactly what it was designed to do: keep you alive, not Instagram-ready.
And third, the real foundation of health isn’t found in guilt or restriction — it’s in treating yourself with respect, patience, and care.
Here’s the part no one tells you: you don’t have to be at war with your body to change it. In fact, the more you work with it — honoring its signals, respecting its limits, embracing its humanity — the better chance you have of creating habits that stick.
So what comes next?
If you’re curious about what it actually looks like to eat in a way that respects your body and psychology, not just your calorie tracker, keep going.
The next step is learning about intuitive eating — a radically different approach that might just be the peace treaty your body has been waiting for.
Because you deserve a relationship with food — and yourself — that’s built on trust, not punishment.