You’re listening to The Weight Loss Mindset Podcast with Rick Taylar.
Values-based weight loss is an approach that aligns your weight loss efforts with your deepest personal values and what matters most to you in life.
Rather than focusing solely on numbers on a scale, it’s about pursuing weight loss in a way that is meaningful, fulfilling and sustainable for you long-term.
When your weight loss journey is anchored in your core values, it provides a powerful source of intrinsic motivation to make healthy choices each day.
You’re no longer just trying to lose weight, but working towards a higher purpose that is intimately connected to the person you want to be and the life you want to live. This shift in perspective can be transformative.
Identifying Your Core Values:
To begin aligning your weight loss efforts with your values, the first step is gaining clarity on what those core values are. Here are some exercises to help identify them:
1. Reflect on peak experiences in your life when you felt happiest, proudest, most fulfilled and alive. What values were you honoring in those moments?
2. Fast forward to the end of your life and imagine what you’d want to be remembered for. What qualities and values would you like to have exemplified?
3. Consider what’s most important to you in major life domains like family, career, health, spirituality, etc. What core values drive your goals in those areas?
4. Think about people you most admire. What values do you appreciate in them?
5. Review a list of common values and circle the ones that resonate most: authenticity, compassion, courage, family, growth, health, integrity, joy, kindness, respect, spirituality, etc.
Look for common themes to home in on your top 5-10 core values.
Naming and claiming them is an important first step.
Integrating Values Into Weight Loss:
The next step is considering how to integrate your values into your weight loss process.
Here’s some examples:
If family is a core value, how can you engage them in your healthy lifestyle so it feels more meaningful? Perhaps planning active outings together or cooking nutritious meals to savor as a family.
If spirituality is important to you, perhaps you build a morning meditation or prayer into your routine to feel more centered and grounded in your food and exercise choices.
If growth and learning are key values, you could listen to inspiring podcasts or read books while exercising to feel you’re developing yourself.
If you value adventure, trying new fitness classes or active hobbies could make the process more exciting and fulfilling.
The key is finding ways to connect your daily weight loss efforts to your deepest values so the journey feels more purposeful.
Creating a Values-Based Weight Loss Plan:
With your core values identified, you can create a customized weight loss plan that aligns with them:
1. Set value-driven goals:
For each core value, set a related weight loss goal.
If you value health, a goal could be eating 5 servings of vegetables a day. For family, it could be planning an active family outing each weekend.
2. Establish daily value-based habits:
Identify small daily habits that allow you to live your values while supporting weight loss.
It could be starting your day with a healthy breakfast you enjoy (honoring health and pleasure) or taking an evening walk to unwind (demonstrating self-care).
3. Leverage values for motivation:
When you face challenges or setbacks, reconnect to your why – the deeper values underlying your weight loss efforts.
Remembering you’re doing this to be a positive role model for your kids or to have more energy for priorities that matter to you can provide powerful motivation to persist.
4. Reflect regularly: Take time each week to reflect on how you’re honoring your values and where you could improve. Celebrate progress you’re making in aligning your lifestyle with what matters most.
5. Seek support:
Engage people who share your values, perhaps a friend or family member who also prioritizes health and can be a partner in active outings or recipe swaps.
Consider working with a coach or counselor who can help you stay true to your values throughout the process.
Maintaining a Values-Based Mindset:
Adopting a values-based approach is an ongoing process vs. a one-time event.
These tips can help you maintain this mindset:
• Keep your values visible, perhaps posting them somewhere you’ll see often as a reminder of your why.
• Check in with yourself regularly to assess how your choices are aligning with your values and adjust as needed.
• Practice self-compassion, recognizing that aligning your actions with your values is a continuous learning process. Forgive yourself when you stumble and recommit to your values.
• Surround yourself with positivity by engaging with people, resources, and environments that uplift and inspire you to live according to your values.
• Celebrate your progress, acknowledging each small victory in aligning your weight loss journey with your core values. Recognize that each values-based choice is moving you closer to the life you desire.
Overcoming Challenges with Values:
Inevitably, you’ll face challenges on your weight loss journey.
Your values can serve as a powerful resource for navigating those obstacles:
• When you feel discouraged, remind yourself of the deeper reasons behind your efforts. Reconnect with the values driving you forward and let them reignite your motivation.
• If you have a setback, view it as an opportunity to learn and grow rather than a failure. Consider what value could help you approach the situation differently next time, such as self-compassion or resilience.
• When tempted to make a choice that doesn’t align with your values, pause and consider the bigger picture. Will this choice move you closer to or further from the life you want to create? Let your values guide you.
By consistently choosing actions that align with your core values, you’ll not only progress towards your weight loss goals but also cultivate a deep sense of fulfillment and self-respect.
You’ll know that you’re losing weight in a way that is authentic to who you are and what matters most to you.
Embracing a values-based approach to weight loss is a powerful way to create sustainable, meaningful change.
By identifying your core values, integrating them into your daily choices, and using them as a source of ongoing motivation and guidance, you can transform your weight loss journey into a path of personal growth and self-discovery.
Remember, this process is highly individual.
Trust yourself to discern the values and approach that resonate most with you. Honor your unique journey and celebrate each step forward in aligning your lifestyle with your deepest values.
With commitment and self-compassion, you have the power to create lasting, positive change – not just in your weight but in your overall well-being and satisfaction with life.