Hey there! This is Rick Taylar! Welcome to the Weight Loss Mindset podcast, where I hope you’ll find the answers you’re looking for!
Welcome to Part 2 of Unlocking Wellness: 10 Common Weight Loss Mistakes and How to Triumph Over Them.
Today we’ll go over Mistakes 6 to 10!
Let’s get going my resilient friend!
I know you’ve been on a roller-coaster journey, fighting a seemingly endless battle with weight loss. You’ve tried countless diets, done endless crunches, and maybe even tried to negotiate with the treadmill a time or two.
But here you are, still on the path, still willing to find that key to unlock your wellness. That takes courage, and I want you to know—I see you, I admire your spirit, and I’m here to support you.
In Part 1 of this series, we walked together through the first five common mistakes people often make on their weight loss journey. We discussed everything from the pitfalls of restrictive diets to the importance of quality sleep.
Now, as we delve into Part 2, we’re going to unravel the next set of common errors and, most importantly, learn how to triumph over them.
So, take a deep breath, put on your warrior’s armor (or your comfiest pair of sweatpants—that works too), and let’s dive into the next part of this enlightening journey together. Ready? Let’s go!
6. Beyond the Physical: The Mindset of Weight Gain
Alright, it’s time we have a heart-to-heart. I know that you’ve been giving this weight loss journey your all, trying different diets and exercises, yet somehow the scale doesn’t seem to budge.
Frustrating, right? Well, let’s take a moment and breathe. Yes, you heard me right – a deep, cleansing breath. In… and out. Great!
Now, let’s dive into something often overlooked in the weight loss narrative – the mental factors. However, the mind plays a massive role in this journey, and it’s about time we give it the attention it deserves.
You see, our body is an intricate system, intertwined with our mind in ways that science is still striving to understand fully.
But, one thing we do know is that our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs deeply influence our physical state. Your mindset has the power to shape your reality. It’s like the old saying goes, “Where the mind goes, the body follows.”
So, when it comes to weight loss, it’s not just about what you eat or how much you exercise. It’s about how you perceive these actions, your relationship with food and exercise, and most importantly, your relationship with yourself.
Now, you might be asking, “Well, how do I cultivate a strong weight-loss mindset?”
I’m glad you asked!
Let’s break this down:
1. Practice Self-Compassion: Be patient with yourself. Remember that every journey is unique, and it’s okay if yours takes longer or looks different than others. When you stumble, and you will – we all do – offer yourself the same kindness you would extend to a dear friend.
2. Create a Positive Affirmation: This is a powerful tool to shift your mindset. An affirmation could be as simple as “I am making progress towards my health goals every day.” Repeat it daily, believe in it, let it sink into your subconscious.
3. Visualize Success: Picture yourself achieving your goals – fit, healthy, happy. Visualization can be a potent tool for your mindset, making your goals seem more attainable and motivating you to keep striving.
4. Make Peace with Food: It’s time to end the war with food. Instead of labeling foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, let’s consider all food as fuel, each with its own benefits and functions.
5. Celebrate Progress, Not Perfection: This is about progress, not perfection. Celebrate your small wins and improvements, because they matter.
Remember, this journey isn’t about reaching an ideal number on the scale.
It’s about fostering a loving relationship with yourself and your body, creating sustainable habits, and embracing health and wellness as a lifestyle. I know you can do this. After all, you’re stronger than you think.
Embark on this journey today, one step at a time.
7. Debunking “Healthy” Labels: The Truth Behind the Marketing
This weight loss journey can sometimes feel like navigating a maze, right?
There are so many confusing labels, complex dieting plans, and it seems like the rules are always changing. But guess what? We’re going to unravel this mystery together, starting with the misconceptions around those “healthy” and “low-fat” labels.
Let’s chat about those so-called “healthy” foods for a minute.
We often see them on the shelves, with labels screaming “low fat” or “zero sugar,” right? And our first instinct? “Great, I can enjoy this guilt-free!” I know, because I’ve been there too.
Here’s the thing though – those labels aren’t always our friends.
Unfortunately, “healthy” on a label doesn’t always equate to healthy for our bodies. When food manufacturers reduce fat, they often replace it with something else to keep the flavor appealing, and that “something else” is usually sugar or artificial sweeteners.
And while we’re told that these replacements are better, they could still lead to weight gain, or worse, negatively impact our overall health.
And there’s more.
Have you ever heard of the expectancy effect? It’s fascinating. It’s essentially our brain playing tricks on us. We see a label that says “healthy” or “diet,” and we think, “Oh, this isn’t going to be as tasty,” or “I’ll probably still be hungry after this.” And guess what? That’s often exactly what happens.
Why? Well, because our mindset and our expectations significantly impact our physical sensations.
It’s like when we expect a movie to be terrible because of bad reviews. So we don’t go to see it. But at a later time when we finally decide to watch it anyway, we end up enjoying it because it wasn’t as bad as we expected. A similar thing happens with food. When we expect to not feel satisfied, we usually aren’t. Crazy, right?
Now, I’m not saying you should completely ignore food labels, not at all.
They can be helpful. But let’s make sure to look at them critically. Let’s dig deeper and look at the ingredient list and the nutritional values – how much sugar, how much fiber, how much protein? These things matter too.
And above all, let’s not allow these labels to set our expectations.
Remember, with a shift in mindset, and by arming ourselves with the right knowledge, we can make it. Here’s to debunking those “healthy” labels together and reclaiming our health on our terms!
8. From Knowledge to Action: The Importance of Execution
I’m guessing you’ve been on this journey for a while, haven’t you?
You’ve tried diet after diet, hit the gym, maybe even tried a few 30-day challenges. You’ve gathered a lot of knowledge along the way, but it feels like you’re still missing a piece of the puzzle.
That sense of accomplishment feels just out of reach, and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed. But remember, every step you’ve taken, every diet you’ve tried, every sweaty workout you’ve endured—it all counts.
Each of these steps, no matter how small they may seem, are parts of your journey, not detours.
The truth is, weight loss is like a complex jigsaw puzzle.
You’ve got all these pieces—diet, exercise, sleep, mental well-being—and you’re trying to fit them all together. And that can be overwhelming. But the real key? It’s in turning all that knowledge you’ve gained into action.
You see, it’s not just about knowing why you’re not losing weight.
It’s about taking that information, reflecting on it, and then making changes based on what you’ve learned. It’s like learning to cook—you can watch all the cooking shows you want, read all the cookbooks in the world, but until you step into the kitchen and start whisking and chopping, you won’t make a meal.
Knowledge is your foundation—it’s like your roadmap to weight loss.
But it’s the action, the day-by-day, meal-by-meal decisions that will get you there. The key is to take small, manageable steps that align with your life. Because let’s face it, completely overhauling your diet or starting an intense workout regime overnight can be daunting, and it’s not sustainable.
Start by using the knowledge you’ve gathered to make small changes.
Maybe you’ve learned that you’re not getting enough fiber in your diet. So, you decide to add a serving of vegetables to one meal each day. Or perhaps you’ve found out that you’re not getting enough sleep.
So, you make a pact with yourself to head to bed 15 minutes earlier each night. Small changes like these can lead to big results over time.
Remember, this journey is unique to you.
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. So, don’t beat yourself up if what worked for someone else doesn’t work for you. Keep learning, keep trying, and most importantly—keep going. Let’s turn that knowledge into action, one step at a time.
I’m right here, cheering you on every step of the way. We’ve got this!
9. Mindful Eating: Savor Your Meals
Weight loss is no easy journey, and I want to commend you for your persistence and resilience.
But you know what? There’s something we haven’t talked about in detail yet, and that’s the concept of mindful eating.
No, it’s not another fad diet or a quick-fix solution.
Mindful eating is an entirely different approach. It’s about truly enjoying our meals, every bite, every flavor. It’s about giving food the attention it deserves, rather than treating it as an item to be checked off your to-do list.
I want you to imagine your favorite meal.
Now, picture yourself eating it while watching TV or scrolling through your phone.
You might finish the whole thing without even really tasting it, right?
That’s the exact opposite of mindful eating. When we’re distracted, we tend to eat faster and more than we need, which can lead to feelings of discomfort and even weight gain.
Now let’s flip the script.
Imagine that same meal again, but this time, you’re at a quiet table, free from distractions.
You’re focusing on the different flavors, the textures, and how the food makes you feel.
It’s a more satisfying experience, isn’t it? This is what mindful eating is all about. It’s an art of enjoying and understanding our food, and it can play a significant role in your weight loss journey.
Believe me, I understand we all live in a fast-paced world where taking time for a meal can feel like a luxury.
But eating in a rush contributes to a cycle of stress and overeating. You deserve to enjoy your food, and your body deserves to understand when it’s satisfied.
I know it may seem challenging at first, especially when you’re used to eating on the go or in front of a screen.
But trust me, a little patience and practice can go a long way. Start with one meal a day. Turn off the electronics, sit down, and really focus on your food. Notice how it tastes, how it feels. Chew slowly, take smaller bites, and most importantly, savor the experience.
Remember, you’re not just eating to lose weight—you’re nourishing your body and soul.
Take the time to embrace this moment, relish your meals, and you might be surprised by how this simple change can support your weight loss journey.
10. Indulgence Without Guilt: The Balance in Eating
I understand you’ve been through a lot on your journey towards weight loss.
You’re a real champion for sticking with it, despite the setbacks. Let’s explore a new concept that might just help make things a little easier for you.
Have you ever found yourself craving a piece of chocolate cake, a scoop of your favorite ice cream, or a slice of crispy bacon?
And then, have you guilt-tripped yourself, thinking that indulgence is a roadblock on your weight loss path? I bet that’s happened more than once, hasn’t it?
Well, here’s the surprise – occasional indulgence isn’t the enemy you think it is. Actually, it’s quite the opposite!
Let’s start by changing the narrative.
Instead of viewing these foods as ‘forbidden treats’, let’s call them what they really are – ‘indulgences’. Because they are not everyday foods, but that doesn’t mean they are completely off the table.
Decades of research have shown that individuals who allow themselves an occasional indulgence are more likely to maintain their diet in the long run.
A study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology found that planning a controlled indulgence can actually decrease overall consumption of that indulgent food.
Think of it this way, the moment you label something as ‘forbidden’, it suddenly becomes even more desirable, doesn’t it?
But, if you know that you can have that treat, just in a controlled manner, it doesn’t become this massive craving you’re constantly battling against.
So here’s what you can do.
Once a week, you can enjoy a moderate portion of your favorite treat. Maybe that’s a slice of pizza on Friday night, or a serving of ice cream on a Sunday afternoon. This isn’t a ‘cheat day’ – I want you to banish that term from your vocabulary.
It’s a ‘treat meal’.
Remember, the key here is balance. And part of balance is allowing yourself to enjoy the foods you love, without the guilt. It’s about eating to nourish your body most of the time, but also feeding your soul some of the time.
Now, isn’t that a weight loss approach you could live with?
You’re not just trying to lose weight for a few months; you’re changing your lifestyle for a lifetime. So, let’s make it a lifestyle that’s enjoyable and sustainable, shall we?
Keep in mind, you’re in this for the long haul, and I’m here, cheering for you every step of the way.
Final Thoughts
I hope this podcast has been eye-opening for you.
You know, we are all human, and we all make mistakes—it’s really part of our growth, a part of our learning journey.
You’ve probably heard this a thousand times, but it’s worth repeating: Failure isn’t a destination but a stepping stone on your path to success.
It’s totally okay that you’ve tried and struggled in the past.
Trust me, everyone stumbles. I’ve been there myself, and most successful people have tripped up more times than they can count. But you know what makes them successful? They dust off their knees and try again.
It’s not about the fall, but the rise. So, let’s look at your previous efforts not as mistakes but as opportunities to grow, learn, and do better this time around.
Now, remember, weight loss is a journey, and like any journey, it’s much more enjoyable when you’re kind to the person you’re traveling with—in this case, yourself.
No journey is without its bumps, but beating yourself up over each one won’t get you any further. Instead, let’s practice a little self-compassion, self-love, and kindness. Cherish your body and mind, and nurture them as you would a beloved friend.
Persistence, fueled by self-compassion, will be your steady companion on this road.
And, hey, I know this weight loss journey can feel overwhelming, but remember that you’re not alone.
It’s easy to look at the entire mountain and feel like reaching the top is impossible. But focus instead on each step, each day, and soon enough, you’ll find you’ve climbed higher than you thought possible.
So here’s my humble advice for you: Approach your weight loss journey with a fresh mindset, a balanced approach, and an overflowing well of self-compassion.
Embrace every stumble as a learning opportunity and celebrate your wins, no matter how small. Each day is a new chance to make healthier choices, to be kind to yourself, and to take one step closer to your goal.
So, are you ready to join me on this journey?
Are you ready to swap self-criticism for self-love, guilt for balance, and regret for growth?
I believe in you, and I know you can achieve your goals. Remember, it’s not about perfection—it’s about progress.
So let’s get started, one step at a time. You’ve got this!