Food has become quite problematic in many people’s lives.
That’s quite ridiculous when you consider food is a necessity for survival.
I hope you learn to control your binge-eating quickly so you can start living a healthy, full life.
This is not really about food though. It’s about the types of foods we have available to us in our modern world. When it comes to binge eating, addictive man-made foods affect us in terrible ways. They cause us to drastically overeat, not because our bodies need that kind of food, but because we force our bodies to become hooked on it.
Eating disorders, like bulimia, anorexia nervosa, and binge eating, are often life-threatening, serious conditions that affect not only a person’s physical health, but also their emotional and mental health.
It’s all because of an addiction to the dopamine–the “feel good” hormone released in the reward center of the brain. An addiction that’s just as powerful as being addicted to alcohol or drugs.
These common eating issues cause undesirable consequences for relationships, productivity, and health. Eating disorders are real, distressing and overwhelming. They affect every organ in the body and can result in many types of chronic lifestyle diseases and adverse reactions.
Sorry to be all doom and gloom here, but this is so serious. And, it’s getting worse especially in developed nations.
Don’t expect the government or medical establishment to step in and help you either. The sicker people are, the more money they make. Horrible, but true!
What exactly is binge eating?
Binge eating is the most common of all eating disorders which affects people, regardless of age, gender or race. Characterized by eating an excess of food and frequently beyond the point of fullness. It’s a psychological illness that acts as a diversion for avoiding the real root of our problems, such as fear of rejection or failure, depression, anxiety or guilt. It’s a recurring issue that leads to serious health issues if not resolved early enough.
People sometimes find it hard to differentiate between binge eating and Bulimia Nervosa. While they may be similar in symptoms and side effects, the difference between them is that those suffering from Bulimia will force themselves to purge after their binging episode.
With binge eating disorder, however, there’s no purging, but there may be periods of intermittent fasting and recurring diets as a result of the guilt and shame.
Behavioral signs and symptoms of binge eating
• Eating large amounts of food even when full
• Frequent dieting without weight loss
• Hoarding food at home and work
• Eating alone
• Loss of control that affects school, work, and relationships
Side effects from binge eating
• Self-hatred, anxiety, depression and shame
• Gastrointestinal distress, bloating and heartburn
• Fatigue and lethargy
• Social isolation and low self-esteem
• Weight gain and obesity
• Sleep apnea. Breathing that stops several times through the night
• Cardiovascular diseases
• High blood pressure
• Type-2 diabetes
• Cancer
• Arthritis
• Gout
What ways can binge eating be treated?
Recent studies have proven that those seeking treatment respond well and improve considerably. Conquering it may be a daily endeavor, but with these tips, you can regain control of your eating and life.
1. Have courage to face it.
The only one who can really change your eating habits is you, so muster up your courage and ask yourself these questions:
• Am I really hungry?
• Why am I eating right now?
• Are there motives other than enjoying food and nourishing my body? Loneliness? Anger? Depression?
The sooner you’re truthful with yourself, the sooner you can find a solution.
2. Evaluate the purpose of your excessive eating.
Food is necessary for healthy development, meeting the body’s requirements and enjoyment as well. If the reason for eating is anything else besides that, then you have to re-evaluate your lifestyle decisions.
3. Don’t diet.
Dieting is all about limiting yourself that leads to deprivation. This in turn leads to bingeing. It’s a vicious cycle so don’t bother. Instead, make healthy eating habits a part of your daily routine.
4. Seek help from professionals.
Most doctors probably aren’t experienced in treating eating disorders. They’ll probably just prescribe some kind of drug.
There are exceptions and some are specialists in this area. The thing is though, your issue isn’t just physical. So no medicine or pills will help much.
Your best option is to find a good therapist who has experience using CBT on eating disorders. CBT is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and is a form of psychological treatment that has been very effective for a wide range of problems including depression, anxiety disorders, alcohol and drug use problems, marital problems and eating disorders.
I wish you well!